We continue hearing rave reviews from our customers – and their end customers – about Idesco ID.
Reliable long-range EPC 2.0
Idesco’s EPC 2.0 readers provide you a powerful advantage: they can reliably detect tags out to several meters.
Welcome back!
With most of us returned from summer vacations, we are looking forward to the approach of autumn.
Have a great summer!
Idesco is keeping normal business hours throughout summer.
Summer approaches, order in advance
If you want product delivered before summer vacations, order well in advance.
Check out new Idesco ID app!
Idesco ID mobile access app is now ready.
RFID display reader = better self-service
Australian company High Frequency designed a "self-service" linen portal using Idesco's display RFID reader 8 CD 2.0 D Pin.
Idesco fiscal year sets new record
Idesco ID brings access rights to phones
Download Idesco ID concept brochure
Join product training: 8 CD 2.0 and DESFire
We arrange 8 CD 2.0 product trainings that not only survey its technical features but also review DESFire’s basics,...