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Category: Newsletter and Press releases
Check out new Idesco ID app!
Idesco ID mobile access app is now ready.
RFID display reader = better self-service
Australian company High Frequency designed a "self-service" linen portal using Idesco's display RFID reader 8 CD 2.0 D Pin.
Idesco fiscal year sets new record
Idesco ID brings access rights to phones
Download Idesco ID concept brochure
Join product training: 8 CD 2.0 and DESFire
We arrange 8 CD 2.0 product trainings that not only survey its technical features but also review DESFire’s basics,...
Product and Technology seminars
You are cordially invited to attend our free online product and training seminars.
Need customization?
Whatever customization you need, know that customization has been a long-standing Idesco core competence.
Idesco ID now includes new mobile app
Learn more about new phone app features
Long distance EPC readers
EPC reader technology uses Ultra High Frequency (UHF) radio waves for long distance reading.