Please register and join us at Idesco ID Event on Monday 28.11. at 11.00-11.45 CET in Teams.
Cyber-security’s growing importance
Site security can no longer focus only on physical perimeters and access credentials.
Thank you for visiting us at SKYDD
We were delighted to see how many of you came to learn about new Idesco ID mobile access solutions.
Small site? Idesco ID Entry Level!
Are you a smaller company, interested in using mobile phones as access card to your building, but worry your...
What future-proofed access control means
Future-proofed access control system protects your freedom to develop and expand your system how you want
Reader configurability
Idesco readers’ life span is long, and they are readily equipped with many features you can start using later...
Mobile access online demo
Please remember the next online demo of Idesco ID mobile access solutions on Monday October 3 from 11.00 to...
Different ways to use Idesco ID
Frequent sending, single batch or only occasional new mobile credentials? Idesco ID does them them all.
Secure OSDPV2
OSDPV2 protocol lets user data remain encrypted all the way from transponders to host, and much more.
Versatile 8 CD 2.0
8 CD 2.0 is Idesco’s most sold reader. The he most sold housing models for 8 CD 2.0 remain...