Download an easy-to-understand Idesco Security Key Management service description. If you’re an integrator, your sales team may benefit learning...
What kind of long-range reader?
Long range readers are designed explicitly for applications where identification is required at distances beyond what standard RFID can...
RFID Door Handle
Door Handle is an RFID door lock you can replace most common standard door locks with. Door Handle particularly...
New, convenient pin pad option is easy to use
Idesco’s latest pin pad option, Quattro Pin SD, is now available for 7 AH, 7 C 2.0 and 8...
New, OSDP v2-compliant reader – with display!
Display readers are poised to offer advantages extending well beyond mere visual feedback about a system’s state or a...
Idesco’s tough, winter-proof OSDP v2 readers at SECTECH
Our DESFire readers now support OSDP v2, letting you deploy bi-directional, secured data communication between them and their host.
Fire safety training for Idesco personnel
Antti quickly extinguishes fire while learning about (and practicing) important fire safety protocols during visit of Securitas' mobile fire...
Cornerstones of secure access control at Finnsec
Anu-Leena Arola and Ilkka Salo will discuss the crucial elements in effective access control on Tuesday and Wednesday at...
Free tutorial about RFID readers
RFID applications vary as much as the businesses that use them. How do you choose the right RFID reader,...
Reliable readers in cold, dark winters
Nordic winters tend to place heavier demands on outdoor readers. What factors should you consider for an RFID reader...