When you consider a keypad reader for your system, it might benefit you to carefully consider what kind would...
Thank you for visiting SKYDD
Thanks everyone who visited our stand at SKYDD exhibition last week in Stockholm.
New reader supports mobile access
Idesco has launched a new 8 CD 2.0 DESFire reader that supports mobile device transactions. In addition to reading...
Thanks for visiting us at Security Essen!
Thank you to all visited us at Security Essen last week and saw the debut of our new Idesco...
Product codes ensure you fast delivery
Idesco’s product codes are built from characters that specify different product features. Many indicate customer-specific features. This is why...
Who works your construction site? Idesco and SmartDok can tell you
Norwegian SmartDok’s identification system provides Byggekort- and ID06-compatible solutions for businesses that need to collect construction personnel data for...
New Products Demo Video
Check out the latest Idesco product video.
When is an OEM RFID module best?
Download the Idesco OEM module brochure that compares Idesco OEM RFID reader modules and their features to help you...
Indoor GIRA-compatible DESFire!
8 CD 2.0 Compact S is your smart choice if you are installing over a standard 55 mm wide...
New moving key reader models!
New 8 CD 2.0 VS Pin offers a door frame profile for more convenient siting.