Finland’s correctional sites have been secured for 30 years by thousands of access control readers –all made by Idesco.
Author: mari.kauppinen
Upcoming Events
We are delighted to be returning to exhibit at the FireSafety & Security Fair in Den Bosch, Netherlands, April...
How to update firmware?
Updates to your readers’ firmware significantly extend not just their lifespan – but your entire system’s also.
Juho; one of R & D’s newest recruits
Juho Kalermo is one of the newest reinforcements added to our product development team.
How can I strengthen my overall system security?
When tags or any other kind of credential data are left unprotected, it clearly puts a system’s security at...
What are IK-, IP-, and Flammability ratings?
Ever wondered what ‘IP67‘ or ‘IK-10‘ means, or felt bewildered about our products’ inflammability class or temperature ratings?
Idesco does more than access control
Despite the amount of access control knowledge we publish, the truth is Idesco’s expertise extends well beyond access control....
Thanks, to our event visitors!
Our sincere gratitude to all of you who met us in SECTECH and Finnsec exhibitions last month.
Holiday season orders
With the year’s end approaching, we remind you to place your orders well in advance of the holiday season.
EPC 2.0 readers with OSDPv2 soon available
Idesco EPC 2.0 readers will soon begin supporting OSDPv2’s secure, bi-directional reader-controller communication.