
From order to delivery via Mervi’s desk

If you have ever ordered from us, one way or another, you have been interacting with Mervi Salmivuori. Customer contact is an integral part of Mervi’s work as a Supply Chain Assistant.

If you have ever ordered from us, one way or another, you have been interacting with Mervi Salmivuori. Customer contact is an integral part of Mervi’s work as a Supply Chain Assistant. Whenever you call to inquire about your order or its status, you will probably speak with Mervi.

Indeed, almost all information shared between customers and Idesco manufacturing personnel flows across Mervi’s desk. The good co-operation her production colleagues have achieved with customers has given Mervi a feeling she is in the right place. She adds that, joking with her colleagues combines with the smooth co-operation to create a nice atmosphere to work in.

Born in Joensuu, Northern Carelia, Mervi lived in Helsinki for a while, before settling in Oulu. Her free time is filled with comparatively athletic hobbies, from CrossFit and gym training to regular volleyball games with friends, in addition to hiking outdoors with her Shetland sheepdog, Ninja. One of Mervi’s more beloved hobbies is drawing, a lifelong creative interest she began in childhood. Whenever possible, she makes time to be with family and friends in Northern Carelia and across Finland.