The bi-directional OSDP protocol was designed to let installers and integrators powerfully strengthen the security of data flowing through...
Security Key Management – compare options
DESFire is universally acknowledged to be one of the world’s securest identification technologies. Download our Security Key Management service...
Have a great summer!
Our office will remain open normal hours throughout summer.
Secured long range ID
We remind that you Idesco’s EPC 2.0 reader has been updated to the Gen2V2 standard. EPC 2.0 reliably reads...
Meet Idesco’s team at IFSEC
With IFSEC approaching, remember that Idesco’s Anu-Leena Arola, Jari Varjus and Jari Valtonen will be attending the show in...
Reliable ID in truly remote sites
"Valttikortti"-, "Byggekort-" and "ID06-" compatible 9 CM 2.0 securely transacts over GPRS from the remotest sites.
RFID access replaces old locks
Door Handle controls access with secure RFID, letting you replace mechanical keys with easy-to-manage keyfobs or RFID cards.
Hands-free entry, small profile!
If you need transactions at a distance for convenient, ‘hands-free’ access, EPC Slim provides you an ideal solution.
Reader differences in brief
This handy table helps system integrators and resellers find the right Idesco reader, and familiarizes end-users with our models.
Sales team welcomes Ari Rossi!
Welcome, Ari Rossi, to Idesco's team. Ari comes aboard to serve our Norwegian and Danish customers, from Jyväskylä, Finland.