
Product codes ensure you fast delivery

Idesco’s product codes are built from characters that specify different product features. Many indicate customer-specific features. This is why it is so important you always include a specific product code when you order from us – it perfectly identifies the product you need, so we can accurately deliver it to you – fast.

Idesco’s product codes are built from characters that specify different product features. Many indicate customer-specific features. For example, an Idesco 8 CD 2.0 Slim Pin reader has many different product codes even for readers that appear identical. This is why it is so important you always include a specific product code when you order from us – it perfectly identifies the product you need, so we can accurately deliver it to you – fast.

Ordering with a product code is essential even if you have purchased it before. You, or a fellow team member may have previously ordered numerous different products from us. Your product code ensures we will ship you precisely what you want. Even if you only order only one product from us, its product code still needs to be included to ensure correct packing of your shipment. If you don’t know your product’s code when you reorder, find it in previous order confirmations, invoices or shipment notes from previous orders.

Your Idesco customer contact can also provide you the correct product code, and if they are temporarily unavailable, our customer support will happily help identify it for you. Lastly, please note our recent migration to a newer ERP version may have slightly changed the appearance of documents like order confirmations, shipment notes and invoices you receive. However, they will still contain all the same information as before.

Want to learn more that helps us serve you better? Check out Idesco’s order guide!